Sunday, June 10, 2007

Journal Entry

It's hard to explain what I feel, how I feel, in this new form. It's been a few days, I figured I should record what goes on.

The first thing I did upon realizing what had happened was to try and call out to my brothers and sisters, the names that I did remember. No answers. Then I walked. For a day and a night, I just walked. I looked all around me at the landscape, at the creatures that weren't afraid to stumble upon my path. So many things gone wrong, so many experiments lost and given up on. I'm heartbroken. Scarlet too experiments, with the flesh of mortals. She's so naive when it comes to her surgical works. But it also amazes me how far they've come in our absence. But too, how much they've destroyed. They should have been taught properly.

Lucifer's war is not over by any means. I feel it in my gut and I feel the need to answer an unheard call to take to arms once more, so I will seek out others of the same ilk and see, just how much things truly have changed and what the course of action is now. The best bet for me to remain unseen would be to assume this child's life as if nothing had happened. I know her memories, her skills are now my skills and we will work to put them to use at this small clinic in Magid.

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